Usage of the Geographical Information System Technique to Detect the Distribution of Limestone Sites in Wadi Nisah, Southern Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

نوع المستند : مقالات علمية تخص جميع الفروع الجغرافية والجيوماتکس


Department of Geography & GIS, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


Mineral resources are important sources of income for primary producing countries. This industry is important in developing economic resources and diversifying income streams so that countries do not rely solely on petroleum as their primary source of income. As a result, the emergence of geomorphology studies, with scientific results that have economic and technical dimensions, can be relied upon when implementing development and future plans. The objective of this study concluded the economic dimensions and morphological aspects related to the location of limestone in the Wadi Nisah area, southwest of Riyadh. It is based on a range of modern scientific tools, techniques, and geographic information systems (GIS) for identifying and highlighting the presence of this rock type. The study area has been chosen his to collect spatial and geological information about the limestone in a database and locate limestone that is economically feasible using GIS and remote sensing. The researchers concluded that the Wadi Nisah area is of high economic feasibility, as it is within the Durma square and contains mineral deposits of different concentrations in the rocks. The study recommended directing the concerned authorities to the importance of establishing a cement factory in Wadi Nisah in order to supply the local and regional market with Portland cement factory in Wadi Nisah and similar products. In addition, modern geomorphological techniques are used to achieve the precision required for data on which we can depend to take the decisions and make assessments for establishing development projects to support the national economy.

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